Shelf-Worthy Beauty
- Organize by product category: arrange the cleansers all together, the toners, the serums, masks etc... that way you know which area to look at when performing your skincare regimen
- For cabinets or drawers, get organizers to keep things tidy and continue to organize by product category
- For smaller items like cotton pads, q-tips and hair elastics, try using cups or cleaned out candle glasses
- When you use a product each day, take a moment to wipe the bottle or jar so that it looks brand new and exciting to use next time. This also helps the overall cleanliness of your cabinets
- Be aware of the shelf-life of all of your products. Items can expire anywhere from 3 - 12 months depending on their ingredients. Being stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sun exposure helps the longevity of your products.