The Gee Edit Blog
How The Gee's Do Morning Time

Mornings can be fast and fly by in the blink of an eye. Working towards carving out some healthy habits and wellness practices can help set us up for a day of success. We're sharing some tried-and-true Gee-approved morning tips to help ensure smoother day ahead.
"I keep my morning routine simple. I wake up between 7-8am, brush my teeth with my Oral B Electric Toothbrush (far better than a manual toothbrush in my opinion) and Marvis Whitening Toothpaste. I then hop in the shower and shave any stubble on my face in the shower, much more relaxing that way. My favourite luxury is my Egyptian cotton towel and thick cotton robe, waiting for me after my morning shower. After that, I apply my Dr. Sebagh Supreme Day Cream all over my face, head and neck and drink a tall glass of water. Breakfast at home is a cup of tea (when traveling, it’s always coffee - it’s a distinction I’ve always made), and to eat, I make oatmeal with almond milk.
I try to avoid thinking about business prior to getting to work, and try to keep my thoughts in neutral to enjoy the mornings freely."
"My mornings are the most happiest time of my day. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to start my day recharged, refreshed, and reset. I wake up between 4:30-4:45am. I always take my time getting out of bed because there is no need to rush. I prepare the night before to ensure I can for use on my morning as calming. From 5:00am to 5:30 I pray, write down morning blessings to my family, and close friends who live in Europe. 5:30 am is lunch for them. Next, I make my bed which is very important, and take my dog Joey out for a very quick walk. Then the party starts: water, makeup, dress and out the door by 6:30am.
In the car I enjoy the silence, it services as a time to reflect and set the perspective for the day. I always have my coffee at work. It’s a great ritual that I love, it’s exciting, it’s calming, and I am passionate about my days."
"My mornings have become so sacred, and represent a time in my day to indulge in practices that bring me a joy that carries inside me throughout my day.
I wake up around 5:30am, and give thanks G-d for granting my soul an opportunity another day. I then put some workout gear on and make a lemon water. I usually do breath work, and then jump on my mini trampoline for about 10 minutes followed by either Rachel Fitness workout or a spin workout. Both invigorate me and help me get that first sweat. After my workout, I make a juice (usually celery or mixed green), and take a cold shower. I also make time for more prayer, which concludes my morning ‘me’ routine. By 7am I’m waking the kids, making lunch. I keep my kids lunches super simple as they are only in school half day: cucumbers, strawberries, mini pizza and a chip, puff, or mini cookie. Rachel makes breakfast: eggs, waffles or cereal fruit. Getting everyone including myself dressed and then we are out the door. I take the kids to school - Rachel picks up. I will pack my green smoothie in my mason jar to have in the AM at Gee Beauty!"
"First thing in the morning I pour some water and squeeze half a lemon and drink it with my AM vitamins and supplements. I wait for my coffee to brew and do my skincare. I always mist my skin to wake it up, and then do my skincare routine - lately its a mix of Agent Nateur the Holi Trinity, and Dr. Barbara Sturm's The Good C and Hyaluronic Acid.
I'm really trying not to scroll through my phone and specifically Instagram until I've done my morning meditation and prayers. It all happens fast, but it's a solid routine that I've come to rely on.
I try to move my body everyday - either something high intensity like Rachel Fitness to get my heart rate up, or something lengthening and toning like Melissa Wood Health. My routine is kind of like my checklist to set me up for success everyday."
"When I wake up, I recite a simple prayer thanking G-d for returning my soul to my body. For anyone interested, it's a Jewish prayer called Mode Ani. It grounds me before I even get out of bed!
Next is skincare. I cleanse with Sunday Riley's Ceramic Slip with my Gee Beauty Scrubbie, apply toner, vitamin c, eye cream, lip balm, and neck cream. Once my skin is set, I head to the kitchen and I drink 1 litre of room temperature water with the juice of a whole lime (did you know limes are more alkalizing than lemons?!). Next, I make a cup of organic coffee with Holi Mane for strong hair, nails and skin. I like to enjoy my coffee as I sit on my favorite chair, do a 10 minute meditation and lightly review my emails (I recently started to do this because it allows me to mentally prepare for my day). After my inner work, I change into my workout clothes and log on Instagram for a Rachel Fitness workout. Rachel's workouts have changed my life: less anxiety, stronger core, happier disposition and healthier body. This morning routine works for me and gives me the energy I need for the day ahead!